The arcs of the reactor

Telgote Devanand Suresh
Cleared 5 Prelims/ Appeared in two Interviews
“Hello there !! I am Telgote Devanand Suresh. Some of you also know me as Social missile on telegram. I will be evaluating your copies on the CSEMulyankan platform. See you on the other side.“
Nishant Chauhan
Appeared in interview in 2023
“Let's improve answer writing !! The tagline says it all. Will be sharing some mains Gyaan here.“
Appeared in Interview in 2023
“Abhinav this side!! A middle class boy from Bihar trying to achieve my dreams. I will be correcting your answer copies on the CSEMulyankan platform. Thanks “

Gave interview in 2023
“CSEMulyankan is one of a kind initiative that brings quality answer evaluations a one step closer. Joining the team is a fantastic chance to both learn and contribute. “
“The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step “
~ Lao Tzu
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